Patterns in Scala
Define Functional Programming
A Github User Statistics Calculator
Testing Synchronous + FP Patterns
Functional Programming is the composition of behavior using pure functions.
Functions that are referentially transparent.
def plus(x: Int, y: Int) =
x + y
def log(msg: String): Unit =
logfile println wrap(msg)
Imagine you’re gluing together a set of services.
Each call to service is an asynchronous network operation.
Some operations can be run in parallel.
We have a high load on the server and want to prevent blocking.
Collecting statistics for a given github user
For every project a user owns
Aggregate results into a popularity score
trait Future[A] {
def isDone: Boolean
def await: A
trait GithubService {
def projects(user: User): Future[Seq[Project]]
def pullreqs(project: Project): Future[Seq[PullRequest]]
def watchers(project: Project): Future[Seq[User]]
def getStatistics(user: User): Statistics = {
val projects = api.projects(user).await
var reqs = Seq.empty[PullRequest]
var watchers = Seq.empty[User]
for(project <- projects) {
reqs ++= api.pullreqs(project).await
watchers ++= api.watchers(project).await
Statistics(user, reqs, watchers)
trait Future[A] {
def map(f: A => B): Future[B]
def getStatistics(user: User): Future[Statistics] =
api.projects(user) map { projects =>
var reqs = Seq.empty[PullRequest]
var watchers = Seq.empty[User]
for(project <- projects) {
reqs ++= api.pullreqs(project).await
watchers ++= api.watchers(project).await
Statistics(user, reqs, watchers)
val projects: Future[Seq[Project]] =
val firstpullreqs: Future[Future[Seq[PullRequests]]] =
projects map { projects =>
val flattenedPullReqs: Future[Seq[PullRequests]] =
object Future {
def flatten[A](f: Future[Future[A]]): Future[A]
trait Future[A] {
def flatMap(f: A => Future[B]): Future[B]
val projects: Future[Seq[Project]] =
val firstpullreqs: Future[Seq[PullRequests]] =
projects flatMap { projects =>
)Project => Future[Seq[PullRequests]]
)object Future {
def traverse[A,B](values: Seq[A])(asynchOp: A => Future[B]): Future[Seq[B]]
def getStatistics(user: User): Future[Statistics] = {
val projects: Future[Seq[Project]] =
val requests: Future[Seq[Seq[PullRequests]]] =
projects flatMap { projects => Future.traverse(projects)(api.pullrequests) }
val watchers: Future[Seq[Seq[User]]] =
projects flatMap { projects => Future.traverse(projects)(api.watchers) }
Statistics(user, reqs.await.flatten, watchers.await.flatten)
trait Future[A] {
def zip[B](other: Future[B]): Future[(A,B)]
def getStatistics(user: User): Future[Statistics] = {
val projects: Future[Seq[Project]] = api.projects(user)
val requests: Future[Seq[PullRequest]] =
projects flatMap { projects =>
} map (_.flatten)
val watchers: Future[Seq[User]] =
projects flatMap { projects =>
} map (_.flatten)
val together: Future[(Seq[PullRequest], Seq[User])] =
reqs zip watchers
together map { case (r, w) => Statistics(user, r, w) }
def getStatistics(user: User): Future[Statistics] = {
val projects: Future[Seq[Project]] = api.projects(user)
val requests: Future[Seq[PullRequest]] = for {
ps <- projects
requests <- Future.traverse(projects)(api.pullrequests)
} yield requests.flatten
val watchers: Future[Seq[User]] = ...
for((r,w) <- requests zip watchers)
yield Statistics(user, r, w)
Want to test program logic not execution context.
The map operation
trait Functor[Context[_]] {
def map[A,B](
value: Context[A],
raw_function: A => B
): Context[B]
The flatMap operation
trait Monad[Context[_]] {
def point[A](raw_value: A): Context[A]
def flatMap[A,B](
value: Context[A],
operation: A => Context[B]
): Context[B]
The zip operation
trait Applicative[Context[_]] {
def point[A](raw_value: A): Context[A]
def applyNested[A,B](
value: Context[A],
contexted_function: Context[A => B]
): Context[B]
The traverse operation.
trait Traverse[Collection[_]] {
def traverse[Context[_]: Applicative,A,B](
collection: Collection[A],
operation: A => Context[B]
): Context[Collection[B]]
Generalize the github API trait
trait GhApi[Context[_]] {
def projects(user: String): Context[Seq[Project]]
def pullreqs(proj: Project): Context[Seq[PullRequest]]
def watchers(proj: Project): Context[Seq[Watcher]]
class AsyncGhApi extends GhApi[Future] { ... }
class TestingGhApi extends GhApi[SingleThreaded] { ... }
class GenericStatisticsService[Context[_]: Monad](api: GhApi[Context]) {
def statistics(user: String): Context[Statistics] = {
val projects = api.projects(user)
def get[B](f: Project => Context[Seq[B]]): Context[Seq[B]] = for {
ps <- projects
items <- ps traverse f
} yield items.flatten
val pullRequests = get(api.pullrequests)
val watchers = get(api.watchers)
(pullRequests zip watchers) map { case (prs, ws) => Statistics(user, ws, prs)}
object Contexts {
type SingleThreaded[A] = A
type Future[A] = akka.dispatch.Future[A]
map method
def map[A,B](a: SingleThreaded[A])(f: A => B): SingleThreaded[B] =
Since SingleThreaded[A]
is A
, map
is f(a)
flatMap method
def flatMap[A,B](a: SingleThreaded[A],
f: A => SingleThreaded[B]): SingleThreaded[B] =
is A
A => SingleThreaded[B]
is A => B
is f(a)
ap method
def ap[A,B](
a: SingleThreaded[A],
f: SingleThreaded[A => B]): SingleThreaded[B] =
is A
SingleThreaded[A => B]
is A => B
is f(a)
val api: GhApi[SingleThreaded] = new StubbedApi
val service = new GenericStatisticsService(api)
val expected = Statistics("Josh",Seq(Watcher()), Seq(PullRequest()))
val results = service.statistics("Josh")
results must equalTo(expected)